
Believer and weaver of strong social fabric,
reporting for duty.

Stay Gold

Stay Gold

In the words of Camille Yarbrough, take yo' praise, mom and dad!

Fifty years ago today, FIFTY years, my parents got married. I am so proud to be their daughter, in awe that they've reached this milestone, inspired by their love and longevity. May we all have a love that lasts like theirs. May Skye and I adventure, travel, eat and explore together into our 70s, and beyond.

My heart if full of love and pride for Mama and Papa Samala. Where words fail me, music succeeds. An ode to my parents, here are 50 of my most favorite songs about love. Cheers to love and cheers to my mom and dad!


Proud Queer Pinay

Proud Queer Pinay

Unholy War

Unholy War